1. Customizing Stock Locator for the Japanese Market
When JLR decided to implement Stock Locator in Japan, the company faced some foreboding challenges. Local laws required that automotive businesses displayed particular vehicle information for used cars. As such, JLR needed the platform to include custom fields, including the purpose of previous use, availability of a repair record, and the warranty expiration date.
In addition, trends specific to the Japanese market also meant that JLR wanted to develop custom retailer filtering and additional pricing fields tailored to the Japanese market. The company looked to enable users to easily find the closest retailers.
To do so, JLR had to handle local retailer data by integrating with external APIs, translating postal codes to geographic coordinates, and returning retailers sorted by distance. To meet these requirements, we developed a custom retailer filter for Stock Locator by integrating external API requests to fetch Japanese retailer data. This ensured that the system could sort retailers based on proximity in a user-friendly fashion. We also added Japan-specific pricing fields, including the on-the-road price, which encompasses taxes and other fees unique to Japan. Finally, the data related to the custom fields required by local regulations is now sent to the Carsensor platform through a data feed-based integration with Stock Locator.
By applying targeted customizations to our platform, we ensured that the solution fit the Japanese market while simultaneously fulfilling JLR’s interests.